More about rage bating..


In the digital era, where attention is currency, ragebaiting has emerged as a potent tool.

The power of ragebaiting in the digital age

In the digital era, where attention is currency, ragebaiting has emerged as a potent tool. One intriguing exploration of this phenomenon is found in the article “The TikTok Algorithm Is Good, But Is It Too Good? Exploring the Responsibility of Artificial Intelligence Systems Reinforcing Harmful Ideas on Users.

Frustrated gamer, gamer, angry gamer, ragebaitgames, ragebait game, ragebaiting.

Story of

Mindform is more than just a game. It is a creation that has emerged from four years of dedicated development by the team at GameTrain Studios. Now, as the game is about to be released on Steam, it’s intriguing to consider what this First Person Climbing game signifies for the esports world and the realm of game development.

don’t let ragebait win

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